About Us
Our Mission
We want to be a people who care for, welcome, and support those around us in a way that can only be inspired by God. It's our hope that people who visit our church or interact with our people walk away feeling encouraged, refreshed, and drawn closer to God. We want every man, woman, and child in our community to have the chance to experience and respond to the Gospel in action through our church.
Our Vision
Worship & Study
Through weekly Bible studies, worship gatherings, and small groups, we will learn more about God and grow in our knowledge and love for HimEvangelism & Outreach
By reaching out to and serving those around us, we will share God's love and His message of hope with the people in our community.Multiplication & Sending
By making disciples and supporting fellow believers as they step out to launch new churches and ministries around the world, we will expand our reach to exhibit God's love to people across the globe.Our Beliefs
Our Leadership
Dr. Herman Scales
Sr. PastorDr. Myra Scales
First LadyDr. Dónice Derico , Associate Pastor
Pastor Sharon Pyant , Associate Pastor
Get in Touch
We would love to connect with you. Feel free to contact us or join us at one of our service times.Service Times
Sunday Prayer
9:30 amSunday Morning Worship
10:30 amTuesday Intercession Prayer 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 882 8520 3026
Phone#: (312) 626-6799
Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 891 2641 8095
Phone #: (312) 626-6799